Investor's Playbook

Stock Analysis , Top 3 AI Tools of The Week & Personal Finance Tips

📖Today’s Agenda

  • Stock Market : Apple Predicts Modest Sales in March Quarter, Launches Vision Pro

  • Entrepreneurship : TOP 3 AI TOOLS OF THE WEEK

  • Personal Finance : 7 Strategies to Position Yourself for Net Worth Enhancement in 2024


Starting now, our Monday Newsletter will be delivered at 3 PM (Eastern European Time), an hour before the stock market opens. Don't miss out on crucial insights to kickstart your trading week.

📈Stock Market

Apple Predicts Modest Sales in March Quarter, Launches Vision Pro

While Apple (AAPL) is forecasting a sales decline in the March quarter, it is upbeat about the rest of the calendar year with the launch of Apple Vision Pro and upcoming artificial intelligence news. Still, Apple stock fell Friday after the company's latest earnings report.

The Cupertino, Calif.-based company late Thursday reported better-than-expected December-quarter results but disappointed with its guidance.

In its fiscal first quarter ended Dec. 30, Apple's earnings rose 16% year over year to $2.18 a share while sales increased 2% to $119.6 billion. Apple cited healthy iPhone 15 sales and services growth for the outperformance. But sales in China dropped nearly 13% in the December quarter amid heightened competition from domestic smartphone makers.

For the current quarter, Apple guided to sales of about $90 billion, down 5% from the same period last year. However, Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri said sales would be flat with the year-ago quarter if you factor out delayed fulfillment of iPhone orders last year because of Covid-related factory shutdowns.

Apple Stock Retreats After Report

On the stock market, Apple stock dropped 0.5% to close at 185.85.

Also Friday, Apple began selling its Apple Vision Pro spatial computer after two weeks of preorders. The mixed-reality headset starts at $3,499. The device is only available in the U.S. for now but Apple plans to roll it out to other countries later this year.

On Thursday, Apple announced that more than 600 apps have been built specifically for the Apple Vision Pro. They include video games and applications for productivity, communications and entertainment.

On a conference call with analysts Thursday, Apple executives touted enterprise uses for the computer headset.

Companies such as Bloomberg, Nike (NKE), SAP (SAP), Stryker (SYK), Vanguard and Walmart (WMT) are using Apple Vision Pro "to bring innovative spatial computing experiences to their customers and employees," Maestri said.

"From everyday productivity to collaborative product design to immersive training, we cannot wait to see the amazing things our enterprise customers will create in the months and years to come," he said.

Apple Hints At AI Developments

Also on the call, Chief Executive Tim Cook indicated that Apple has AI news brewing.

"Artificial intelligence (is an area) where we continue to spend a tremendous amount of time and effort and we're excited to share the details of our ongoing work in that space later this year," Cook said.

Rosenblatt Securities analyst Barton Crockett said Apple likely will add AI capabilities to its next iPhone.

"A muted AI storyline at Apple, vs. explosive developments elsewhere, has been a sentiment headwind for the shares," Crockett said in a client note. He rates Apple stock as neutral with a price target of 189.

Raymond James analyst Srini Pajjuri said generative AI features in the iPhone could help shorten replacement cycles for handsets. AI also could drive incremental services revenue, he said. Pajjuri rates Apple stock as outperform with a price target of 195.

Apple Stock Gets Price-Target Cut

Barclays analyst Tim Long reiterated his underweight rating on Apple stock and cut his price target to 158 from 160.

Apple has been on a "historically bad run" with revenue declines in four of the last five quarters, he said in a client note. And the first half of the year is looking down as well, Long said.

"We see nothing in the pipeline to help improve the numbers, which over time should pressure the multiple," Long said.



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💸Personal Finance

7 Strategies to Position Yourself for Net Worth Enhancement in 2024

As we usher in a new year, the canvas of opportunity awaits for fortifying your financial foundation and amplifying your net worth. This expansive guide is designed to provide you with an exhaustive roadmap, replete with in-depth strategies and insightful steps, ensuring you embark on a transformative financial journey in 2024.

  1. Thorough Reflection on 2023 Financial Decisions

Begin the year with a comprehensive review of last year's financial habits. Delve into credit card statements, meticulously examine savings accounts, and conduct a detailed assessment of portfolio allocations. This deep introspection sets the stage for informed and strategic financial adjustments tailored to your unique circumstances.

  1. Harness the Power of Expense Tracking Apps

Immerse yourself in the world of expense-tracking apps to gain nuanced insights into your spending patterns. Uncover hidden expenditures and identify areas where judicious cuts can be made. This not only creates ample space for increased savings but also lays the groundwork for a meticulous and strategic financial planning process.

  1. Craft a Detailed Budget for Holistic Financial Management

Construct a robust budget that allocates funds with purpose and foresight. Devote 50% to essentials, 30% to discretionary spending, and earmark a substantial 20% for savings. Consider integrating monthly challenges to instill discipline and curb nonessential expenditures, fostering a holistic approach to financial management.

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Strategy for a Higher Net Worth

Formulate a detailed financial plan that goes beyond immediate concerns and fortifies your financial safety net. Prioritize tackling credit card debt, address cash flow intricacies, and fortify emergency funds to navigate uncertainties with confidence. This comprehensive strategy positions you for sustained financial growth and resilience.

  1. Tackle High-Interest Debt with Precision

Devise a meticulous plan to eliminate high-interest credit card debt. Explore a range of options, from leveraging lower-rate alternatives such as a HELOC to employing strategic use of available savings. This strategic approach optimizes debt management, freeing up resources for enhanced savings and strategic financial maneuvers.

Beware of little expenses, a small leak will sink a great ship.

Benjamin Franklin
  1. Capitalize on Optimal Savings Rates

Seize the opportunity presented by current high yields in the financial landscape. Shift funds strategically to accounts offering superior interest rates. Delve into the realm of long-term fixed-income investments and establish CD ladders to secure favorable rates over an extended period, fostering sustainable and consistent financial growth.

  1. Incremental Savings for a Secure and Abundant Future

Gradually increase contributions to your workplace retirement plan, aiming to reach and exceed the recommended savings target of 10% to 15% of your income. Maximize the benefits offered by employer matching contributions, ensuring that you capitalize on all available opportunities for financial growth. This incremental approach sets the stage for a secure and abundant financial future.

By immersing yourself in these comprehensive strategies, you not only set the stage for financial success but also lay the groundwork for sustained growth in your net worth throughout the year. May 2024 be a year of financial empowerment, strategic planning, and prosperous outcomes!