Entrepreneur's Flywheel

Real growth from real Founders!

📖Today’s Agenda

  • Top 3 AI Tools of the Week

  • Weekly Entrepreneurial Tip

🤖 Top 3 AI Tools of the Week

1. GPT-4o mini


GPT-4o mini is an affordable and versatile AI model by OpenAI, designed to make advanced AI accessible for a wider range of applications. It excels in tasks such as reasoning, mathematics, coding, and multimodal reasoning, significantly outperforming previous small models.

With support for text and vision inputs, and future capabilities for image, video, and audio, it is a robust tool for developers needing high-context understanding and comprehensive output in various domains.

2. enso


Enso's AI Bots are essential for busy business owners looking to automate repetitive tasks. These tools can assist with content writing, SEO optimization, and podcast production, among other activities. By leveraging Enso's AI Bots, businesses can streamline operations and focus on growth, saving both time and effort.

3. Dust


An assistant based on GPT (text-davinci-003) with access to your browser tabs content. It is geared (prompted) towards productivity and can be used to help you with your daily tasks (such as answering emails, summarizing documents, extracting structured data from unstructured text, …)

💸 Weekly Entrepreneurial Tip

The Real Secret to Success

The true path to success lies in doing what others fear to undertake, and persistently doing so for years.

Most individuals pursue quick victories, abandon their efforts when challenges arise, and constantly seek the "next big thing."

However, this approach is misguided.

Success is rooted in consistent effort, embracing discomfort, and enduring longer than the competition.

It is not about being fearless, but about acknowledging fear and persevering regardless.

Therefore, cease the search for shortcuts and commit to playing the long game.

Embrace the journey, remain steadfast in your efforts, and let perseverance be your guide to achieving lasting success.

When we get too comfortable, we stop dreaming.

Joyce Rachelle

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